
SAPA-DC is a non-profit, volunteer-based organization that resides in the Washington DC/Maryland area, which features numerous government agencies and research institutions (FDA, NIH, NIST, HHMI, etc), top-tier universities including Johns Hopkins University, University of Maryland, George Washington University, Georgetown University, and over 300 leading pharmaceutical/biotech companies (large international corporations like AstraZeneca, GSK, Novavax). In addition, the DC/Maryland area is especially recognized as the center of global vaccine research and development, as well as a talent pool where the most experienced and innovative biotech/pharmaceutical professionals are gathered. Sitting in this particularly favorable location, SAPA-DC aims to connect local biomedical and pharmaceutical professionals and facilitate the communications between US/China pharmaceutical industries through a variety of conferences and social events.

Current members of SAPA-DC are mostly from local pharmaceutical and biotech companies, research institutions, universities, government agencies, law firms and many other healthcare related industries. More than 80% of our registered members have advanced degrees (PhD, MD, JD, MBA, MS etc).


美中药协-大华府/巴尔的摩分会(SAPA-DC)得益于其得天独厚的地理优势,自成立以来已有大量中美两国的专业人才以及医药公司参与和关注我们的各项活动,在地区内逐渐积累了一定的号召力和影响力。大华府/巴尔的摩地区附近驻扎有FDA(美国药监局)、NIH(美国国家卫生研究院)、NIST(美国国家标准局)等政府机构,同时靠近约翰霍普金斯大学、马里兰大学、乔治城大学等等世界一流高等院校,是负责制订全美乃至全球医药政策的大脑和高级生物医药人才最为集中的地方,也是全球疫苗研究与开发的核心。其周边共有生物技术与制药企业300多家,包括阿斯利康、葛兰素史克、Novavax等知名跨国药企以及MacroGenics、Personal Genome Diagnostic等各个领域的生物技术新锐公司。美中药协-大华府/巴尔的摩分会每年会举办各色各样的活动,包括年会、科学研讨会、职业发展论坛、小型医药科研系列讲座、夏季野餐交流会、企业交流座谈会和创投大赛等等,已与地区内多家科研机构、医药公司以及顶级医药法规律所建立了良好的合作关系。我们的最终目标是成为美中药协旗下以中美药政法规对话和中美医药投资交流为特色的旗舰分会。