SAPA-DC Personal Membership


Regular ($35 Annually)

Best for pharmaceutical professionals to enrich networks and advance careers 

Student/Postdoc ($15 Annually)

Cost-effective option to prepare for the first job and build professional networks

Lifetime Membership ($300)

VIP choice for established professionals, executives and industrial leaders

Annual Membership Benefits

  • Enjoy discounted tickets for all SAPA-DC events including annual conference, scientific symposium, career development workshop, seminar series, startup/investment forums etc.
  • Membership is valid for all other SAPA chapters in US (NJ, GP, CT, MW, West, NE) and China with corresponding discounts and benefits
  • Access to member exclusive contents including webinars, industry mentorship programs and more
  • Eligible to vote and run as a candidate for SAPA-DC executive council
  • Eligible for SAPA-DC awards

Lifetime Membership Benefits

  • All benefits from the annual membership
  • One-time, non-recurring payment
  • Eligible for invitation-only business receptions and special events by SAPA-DC